We would like to thank everyone who have participated in COMFA Annual Meeting 2022! Very grateful for your kind involvement, for finding time to come to Porto in person and for spending countless hours in front of your computers, which is very burdensome as all of us know. Thank you for great presentations, which all covered very interesting topics.
Special thanks goes to our wonderful hosts, Joana and Isabel and their team! You have made this meeting an absolute joy!
We would like to remind you that if you require reimbursement, please do not forget to claim it via ‘e-cost’. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
The meeting was very intense and reached its’ original primary goal thanks to your enthusiasm and hard work!
Preparation for the Delphi requires lot of work and we will be delighted to allocate virtual mobility grants (up to 1500 Euro) and STSMs (up to 4000 Euro) to support the progress of the proect. Please let us know if any of you or someone within your teams would like to help with the Delphi preparation.
The primary goal of our meeting was to prepare the long list of outcomes which will be used in a Delphi process to define the Core Outcome Set (COS) for food allergy we are aiming to launch soon. At the meeting we agreed that we will be aiming for Delphi launch at the end of January 2023.
You may find the list of outcomes with descriptions developed as a result of our discussions at meeting in Porto here.
We have reduced an initial list from 33 outcomes to 17, which seems a very reasonable number.
We would like to open a call for consultations with all of you to refine the outcomes and descriptions within the next few weeks and reach the final list to be used in the Delphi process.
Please provide us with your feedback regarding the following matters:
(a) Are there any outcomes that should be added to the list?
(b) Do you have any suggestions with regards to the outcome descriptions?
(Please do not forget that descriptions should be outlined in a “plain language” so can be easily understood by people with lived experience of food allergy and their carers)
(c) Are there any outcomes which were added inappropriately to the list?
Just replace the “reviewer” tag at the top of the column with your name and provide your feedback.
We will be looking forward to hear back from you by the end of the next week (21st October 2022) midnight UK time.
We will review the feedback and are aiming to hold an online discussion around 4-5 of November during C3 meeting.