COMFA • Core Outcome Measures for Food Allergy • COST Action CA18227


Ethics and Data Management

This WG will provide data management and ethical guidance throughout the COST Action. It will closely interact with other WGs assuring appropriate ethical standards and providing required statistical support.


Patient-Reported Outcomes

The main goal of this WG will be to define the core set of outcome measurement instruments scope and applicability. This will include assessment of the disease (stage and/or severity), the setting (e.g., clinical trial, routine practice, clinical registry) and the geographical scope, paying close attention to country, culture and ethnicity factors. WG2 will closely cooperate on the domain recognition and instrument measurement properties assessment with WG1 and WG3 to achieve optimal harmonisation of core set outcome measurements.


Investigator Assessment and Regulatory Engagement

This WG will focus on domain recognition and assessment of instrument measurement properties for COS from the investigator and regulatory perspectives. WG3 will primarily include experts in clinical trials, including evaluators, statistical analysts and tool developers and people heavily involved in regulatory activities. It will closely collaborate with WG1, to ensure appropriate ethical standards and WG2, to provide interdisciplinary approach to Core Outcomes Set.


Dissemination, Exploitation and Stakeholder engagement

The successful implementation of outputs from the COST Action will greatly benefit from wide dissemination not only among the medical community, but also among the general public. Dissemination Leads will be identified, to coordinate Dissemination activities with specific stakeholder groups. These will liaise closely with other WGs. For example the Dissemination Lead for regulators will work closely with WG3. The likely beneficial outcomes will have wide reaching public health impact for the European community. The main objectives will focus on:

  • Dissemination of COST Action results to the wider scientific and medical communities;
  • Dissemination of the findings among all stakeholders including the general public;
  • Translation of findings to ensure widespread uptake to optimally achieve public health benefits;
  • Organisation of dissemination.