“C3 Meeting” time change 

“C3 Meeting” time change 

25 October 2022

Dear All,

We apologise, but some confusion happened with the timings of the meeting due to our misunderstanding.

However, we would still like to hold a meeting with those of you able to join and discuss the current itteration of the list of outcomes on the 4th of November during C3 meeting as some of us will be joining C3 anyway. 

The meeting will take place between 18.00 and 19.15 (UK time) on the 4th of November.

We fully understand that many of you may not be able to attend and would also like to schedule another meeting at a time most convenient to most of you on the week of 14-18 November and would be most grateful if you could kindly provide your availability in the doodle poll.

Meanwhile you may find the refined list of outcomes with descriptions here. Changes are highlighted in blue.

We would be most grateful if you could kindly let us know of any further changes to the outcomes and descriptions.

We welcome your suggestions with regards to the outcome and descriptions refinement within the next few weeks to reach the final list to be used in the Delphi process.

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